Atlantic Inter-Provincial Communications Network
In cooperation with EMO, the AIPCOM group built an impressive Amateur Packet Radio Network covering much of Maritime Canada.
network provides AX25 connections to a number of communities in
the Maritimes as shown on the EMO Packet Map.
  (some links no longer in service)
since mid-1995 it has been a boon to BBS and LAN users who have made
good use of its gateways. These interconnect points are shown in
Gateway Table.
Packet site contains from 2 to 5 Amateur Radio transceivers, each
connected to an MFJ1270 TNC using TheNet 2.08B software in a node
stack. The protected backbones are on 220 Mhz, the Gateways on
440mhz and in some cases a 2M port was added for backup.
There were a total of 9 radio sites in New
Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
Network Manager is Ron MacKay VE1AIC
Email: marcanradio_AT_gmailRevised: Nov-15-97/Dec-03-2006