My D-STAR Information
Some information on D-Star along with links to other D-Star and Digital Voice sites.2022-01-10 Almost a year now with no updates to D-Star around here. The VE1CRA D-Star repeater that used my 100w MSR-2000 on 146.715- sits quietly in a corner at the Churchill site. With barely one or two stations using D-Star at all, it didn't make sense to have a VHF repeater just for this mode. The existing VE1CRA VHF and UHF analog repeaters are regularly active, as well as the Fusion repeater on 145.310-. I still run D-Star from a Hotspot at home, and the MMDVM Repeater shown below can run either D-Star, DMR or YSF as needed. However this lovely Kenwood TKR-750 sits on a dummy load right now, since running a 50 VHF repeater from my house doesn't make sense technically or operationally. This is a perfect MMDVM repeater which is easy to program and easy to interface to. Shown here during testing, with the Repeater-Builder MMDVM interface and Pi-Star as a high-power base station.2021-02-27 For the latest info on D-Star and Hotspots, I recommend the website Amateur Radio Notes by Toshen, KE0FHS. The Pi-Star Hotspot software continues to evolve with a number of minor tweaks and upgrades. The current version is: Pi-Star:4.1.4 / Dashboard: 20210224 I highly recommend upgrading to v4.14. One new feature is a Notice information bar, in Yellow at the top of the dashboard, advising you of changes or new options that you should look into. In General operation, an updated section on Hotspot best practices is worth reading too. 2020-01-05 As of today the VE1CRA digital repeater near Charlottetown, PEI on 146.715- Mhz, has switched from D-Star to Wires-X Fusion. It will normally be connected to the CQ-Maritimes Room 60207.(QSY to 147.255+ as of 2021-08-09) 2019-07-16 A note from VA3UV has word of a new YSF-DMR-D_Star Reflector system. It accepts DMR and YSF directly and transcodes D-Star nicely as well. D-Star XRF005-B or XLX416-D DMR 302050 YSF 36010 CA ON-Procom Here is the FREE STAR Dashboard. 2019-02-20 For a number of years my D-Star Repeater VE1CRA has been connected to the REF069C Reflector. Lately they connected non-HAM_Radio devices to that Reflector which is something I am very much against. If HAMs don't talk on RADIOs then it's not HAM-RADIO. So to talk with those who continue to support HAM RADIO, my repeater is now linked to D-Star Reflector REF016. 2018-04-04 As posted on my other DV pages, the website run by Toshen has some excellent info that is detailed, yet easy to understand. Here is a link to a section he wrote about Diving into D-STAR. 2018-02-10 For Pi-Star users, I see a lot of people having problems programming the radio for D-Star. With older Hotspots, you could just transmit with empty Repeater1 and Repeater2 settings. For All MMDVM repeaters and Hotspots you must define the RPT1 and RPT2 fields. For my UHF Hotspots "RPT1=VE1AIC B" and "RPT2=VE1AIC G". Note the proper spaces in the field as described in earlier posts. For a VHF Hotspot it would be "RPT1=VE1AIC C", "RPT2=VE1AIC G". Below is a sample from my HT programming, a Bank called DVAP58 for my Hotspot. Notice it is very similar to D-Star repeater programming except the Offset is 0. Memory Channels:
Memory Bank setup:
2017-11-07 An important change to my D-Star and MMDVM repeaters. The callsigns used previously were based on where the equipment was located but the locations changed some time ago and I just got around to setting the callsigns to match. So VE1CRA is the Churchill (Charlottetown) site where the D-Star repeater will remain. It's on 146.715- as before but now as VE1CRA-C. At my Cornwall location, the MMDVM repeater is now using VE1UHF. That is on 443.300+ as before, and its D-Star port is VE1UHF-B. The DMR-ID of VE1UHF is 302003. You can read more about the MMDVM repeater on its web page, VE1UHF MMDVM Repeater and DV Information. For re-programming a D-Star radio, just change the RTP1 & RPT2 values from VE1UHF-C, VE1UHF-G to VE1CRA-C and VE1CRA-G. See the image below from my Icom programmer.
2017-09-01 While there has not been much new on the D-Star mode front, there is new info on Hotspots and software that supports D-Star as well as other Digital Voice modes. For Hotspot use in any of the modes I reccomend a new image called PI-Star. It supports all of the MMDVM features as well as DstarRepeater, and works great on a headless Hotspot. It also supports older modems (D-Star) like the DVRPTR_v1 and some other GMSK types. More of my notes on this project are in the Zumspot web page or the DMR-Fusion-MMDVM page. 2017-03-03 The second production run of ZUM modems now v1.01 is available and works well in all Digital Voice modes. It can be used as a high-power Hotspot with a xcvr or with a full-duplex repeater. More about this on my DMR-Fusion-MMDVM page. 2017-01-31 Most of my work lately is with Multi-Mode DV systems like MMDVM, DVMega and Openspot. As such, the update info will be mostly posted on the DMR-Fusion-MMDVM page. Since ALL of these DV Multi-Mode systems do D-Star perfectly, you will not miss anything by using a multi-mode device instead of a dedicated D-Star one. For a low-power Hotspot, I reccomend the DVMega. It is available in UHF-only or DualBand (VHF/UHF). As you can read on the MMDVM page, the DVMega on boot-up can run either the standard G4KLX D-Star package running dstarrepeater and ircddbgateway, or the MMDVMHost software with ircddbgateway as the networking service. The Openspot is more expensive but easier to setup and run, plus it can do cross-mode DMR<>Fusion. For a Homebrew D-Star repeater or high-power Hotspot, I previously recommended the DVRPTR-V1 modem combined with the same G4KLX D-Star software on RPi. That modem is out of production, and only 1 GMSK modem is still available from Europe. Instead, the MMDVM modem replaces it but adds the ability to do multi-mode if you desire. This package of Arduino Due+ZUM modem can directly replace the DVRPTR_V1 mode for D-Star and it will do the other modes if you desire with the MMDVMHost software. (MMDVM firmware comes installed in the Arduino Due+ZUM modem package from VE2GZI.) 2016-09-23 Last week I received the latest multi-mode Digital Voice Hotspot device. The OpenSpot by SharkRF is a self-contained Digital Voice 10mW Hotspot similar to DV4mini except it contains its own micro-computer. All setup and most control is done via the internal web page. It has only wired ethernet so that's the only drawback. Its also a bit pricey ($300 cdn) and in high demand as there is limited production runs. It does work very well in cross-mode operation between DMR & Fusion (FCS not Wires-X). Unlike the DV4mini, its DMR works great, in fact the D-Star, DMR and Fusion modes worked as they should. D-star connects to REF,XREF and DCS Reflectors. DMR connects to BM Reflectors and Fusion(C4FM) connects to the FCS Reflectors on servers FCS1,2 and 3. More on this exciting project as testing continues. 2016-08-12 The new Kenwood dual-band APRS/D-Star HT shown at Dayton is about to be released. Here is the brochure from Kenwood: New release of 144/430 MHz dual bander TH-D74 2016-08-01 A lot of new things happening with the DV modes DMR and C4FM(Fusion). I've added a separate page to display news about these modes. DMR, Fusion, MMDVM Information 2016-05-03 I got a good deal on a battery pack for my Pi-DVAP. The Pi-2 specs reccomend a 2A 5V power source but my USB-Doctor test unit says that even with the LCD screen they draw just over 1/2Amp. As long as the RED power LED stays lit the Pi-2 internal supply is happy.
2016-04-06 The software for the DV4Mini Hotpsot as developed by DL2MF had undergone a number of upgrades in the past few months. As mentioned earlier, this provides the network interface and control panel for the DV4 mini. This software continues to develop and refine the popular modes of D-Star, C4FM and DMR. You can get the latest versions from the author's site DV4MF2 – V2. Here is a screenshot of the current version ( in DMR on the BM Network.
2016-03-28 Some exciting news on the development of open DMR in Canada. See the links below for info on new DMR Repeaters connected to the BrandMeister Network. I've had some great QSOs with VE3's and VE2's on the two repeaters. I can easily work them with either my DV4Mini Hotspot or my MMDVM DMR Repeater. My Repeater has changed its default connection because of this, it's now normally linked to TG-4326 SL2 the Canada-English Reflector. Links to articles on VA3XPR and VE3YYZ: Brandmeister-Canada-network-debuts-Toronto-Montreal VE3YYZ DMR Blog OK, so D-Star is still my preferred digital radio by far...but new shiny things are interesting too...especially when it allows easy user access and home-brewing. I will soon create a separate DMR page so updates to my MMDVM homebrew DMR Repeater project can be displayed there. (DMR Page) 2016-03-06 The DR-1x has become a great platform for digital radio projects. My latest was the third of the popular digital-voice platforms being DMR. The 'modem' for DMR is a lot more complicated than the DVRPTR for D-Star but the package shown below seems to work well once all the coding, compiling and testing is done. It takes a ZUM modem board, an Arduino Due micro, and a Raspberry Pi2 computer for the Host software by G4KLX of D-Star fame. These pieces cost about $250 and that plus the DR-1x makes a good DMR repeater for less than half of a commercial unit. (and you get the fun of building and operating it) BTW, this modem also does D-star as Repeater or Hotspot and C4FM is supported as well..but needs a lot more work on that front. I was pleased to be able to monitor the repeater with my DV4mini while connected to the BrandMeister Canada network.
2016-01-21 After running the DR-1X as a D-Star repeater for the past few weeks, I am pleased to say it works 100%. Just wire the remote cable to the DVRPTR_V1 modem. (The modem is the yellow box sitting on top next to my IC-80 HT) The previous D-Star repeater was the MSR2000 below. It still works great and was also just a direct hookup of the same modem for D-Star.
2016-01-16 With the arrival of my Tytera MD-380 DMR HT, the 3 digital modes of the DV4mini was complete. The MD-380 was easy to program a Local codeplug and it works well with the DV4mini. Unfortunately all 3 digital modes need buffering and will suffer some audio drop-outs when the internet traffic is congested. This is still an experimental system, the software very much 'beta' versions, but fun to use nonetheless. The image below shows all 3 digital HTs and the DV4mini in operation.
2016-01-03 Over the past few weeks I have been working with the DV4mini. This is a new DVAP (Digital Voice Access Point), that not only works with D-Star signals, but also C4FM, DMR, P25 and experimental modes. It has been working well on D-Star Reflectors of all types, DPlus, XRef and DCS. I was able to QSO with stations using C4FM via the FCS001 Reflector using a Yeasu FT1DR digital HT. I am still waiting for delivery of a DMR HT, but will be able to work DMR+ Reflectors as soon as that arrives. Reviews will follow. A group of VE2's are very active with this and other projects. They have some good info and videos on their website. OnLine) My Red UHF DVAP by Internet Labs works very well but only does D-Star. Both DVAPs connect to a computer via USB and onto the Internet. Both DVAPs also have a 10mw UHF xcvr, and both are about 3 in long. Price is a big difference, the Internet Labs unit is about $240 US, while the DV4mini is $130 US. (Wireless World) However, keep in mind the older DVAP is a proven reliable product that does D-Star very well and works with a number of powerful software packages for Linux, Windows and Mac. The software for the DV4mini right now is only one basic Control Panel program for Windows, but runs well on Linux under the Mono program. The control panel is shown below. You need to use the current Test/Beta versions of this software in order to reliably receive D-Star. The G4KLX gateway and repeater software used by my existing DVAP and the 2 D-Star repeaters will NOT be supporting the DV4mini. However, there are so many rapid developments in the digital modes over the past year that who knows what we'll have access to in the future. Here is a picture of my DV4mini connected to a Raspberry Pi2.
This is the DV4mini Control Panel screen, using the latest Beta version 12-15-2015.
(LINKS to other D-Star info are listed below.) 2015-10-01 After some testing and experiments the VE1DSR Icom D-Star Repeater is back on with a new Raspberry Pi as it's Gateway controller. VE1EJB Joe and I were able to wrangle a new configuration that gives the Icom repeater DPlus, DExtra, and CCS/DCS linking. The repeater has one VHF port on 145.290- near Bridgewater, NS. You can see its status at: Also Joe has his own D-Star Hotspot using a DVAP and Raspberry Pi on 145.670 simplex. Look for VE1EJB-C. 2015-07-08 A new D-Star Repeater/Hotspot in this region is almost finished. VE1JSR-B is a HomeBrew D-Star Repeater on 441.800+ operating near Antigonish. Its very local right now, but owner James, VE1JCS, is working on a new antenna. You can find him on Reflector 001C, or XRF005B most times. Also in Nova Scotia, is a new D-Star user with his own DVAP. VE1ILD, Brian in Dartmouth is active on Reflector 001C. I talked to Rick VE9MTB in St. Stephen NB by linking to the Cooper ME D-Star repeater W1SCV on 146.985. There may be others who have D-Star gear but not very active. If you wish to be listed here, just drop me a note. A reminder to all D-Star users to ensure that you have your radio programmed properly when using a repeater. The setup when you have your own DVAP/Hotspot is quite different, and varied. If you don't input the proper YourCall, RPT1 and RPT2 fields, then you will not be heard, repeated or sent out the Gateway(across the internet). As indicated in the image below the settings for VE1UHF-C, the VHF repeater are: YOURCALL = CQCQCQ RPT1 = VE1UHF C (Note one space character after the callsign) RPT2 = VE1UHF G (The freq is 146.715- ) FREQ DUP OFFSET MODE NAME YOUR RPT1 RPT2 146.715 -DUP 0.600 DV DRPT CQ CQCQCQ VE1UHF C VE1UHF G Do not confuse YOURCALL, sometimes shown as URCALL, with MYCALL..that being your own personal callsign. The YOURcall or URCALL can be used with callsigns for direct callsign routing although that is rarely used lately. In most cases, that field is used for CONTROL commands. CQCQCQ =no command, just talking. .......I =INFO command, gateway responds with link status. .......U =UNLINK command, disconnects gateway from a Reflector or other repeater. .......E =ECHO command, the gateway will store and playback your transmission. ( Note: Single letter commands must be entered with 7 leading spaces.) REF001CL =A LINK command for the gateway to link to REFlector 001 port C. ( Remember to switch back to CQCQCQ after the commands are complete.) You can program your radio using different channels with these commands as shown in the example image. Then just turn the channel knob to select the YOURCALL you want. Another way is to use the "DR" mode on your radio, if it has that. The DR mode brings up a list of YOURCALL commands to select from. Read your radio manual for details. Remember to return YOURCALL to CQCQCQ when your command is complete in order to properly talk on the repeater. 2015-06-07 Again this year I took my trusty D-Star DVAP and IC-80AD with me to the Halifax Flea Market. It worked very well in the Hotel using the Wifi but when I got to the Flea Market building, their WiFi signal was very poor and unreliable. I was prepared for that, so I just activated the AP (Access Point) in my Samsung phone which had a very good LTE signal. The DVAP's Wifi connected to it and worked great. The DVAP stayed connected to some Reflectors that gave good demos of D-Star and the DVAP in action. There are a number of HAMs using DVAPs while mobile, using an AP from their phone or a dedicated wireless device. This is a great feature for areas that do not have D-Star Repeater coverage. 2015-05-01 After waiting for months to get into the repeater site, the VHF D-Star Repeater was installed today. It was running from my home QTH for the past few months and is now fully operational as VE1UHF-C on 146.715- mhz. The analog repeater at Glen valley will be QRT for the time being. VE1UHF-C repeater will normally be linked to either Reflector 030C or 69C. VE1UHF-B repeater will automatically link to Reflector 069C.(New England). You can view the D-Star Repeaters status at: VE1UHF D-Star Dashboard. You can monitor the Reflector 69C audio feed online at: REFLECTOR 069C AUDIO FEED. Here is a sample programming section for VE1UHF-C. You can program just the CQCQCQ entry and use the DR mode to select other commands as needed, (ie E, I, U, REF001CL etc) (Note: Single letter commands must be entered with 7 leading spaces, ie the 8th posn. The Icom programmer image makes it look incorrect.)
2014-12-29 An overnight trip to Halifax gave me a chance to try out my portable D-Star station again. The 70cm DVAP and Pi using a Wifi connection worked great. While having dinner in the restaurant, I had good signals from the DVAP from my room that was 9 floors above me and could talk back with just 100mW.
2014-12 My UHF D-Star repeater on 443.300+ has been working well over the past month or so with HT coverage about 15km using the dual-band vertical at home. The VHF repeater project was delayed a bit due to reliablity problems that showed up with the digital modem. It was found that the Raspberry Pi was not up to the workload of the D-Star repeater for long term operation. It works great on my DVAP though. The solution was a new D-Star server that was installed today. It's actually smaller than the Pi, but more than twice as powerful. I was lucky to get the new Heliax runs done before the cold wx, so the VHF D-Star repeater project can resume and will be completed soon. 2014-11 The VE1UHF D-Star duplex repeater has a new full-size duplexer for 443.300+ that gives it improved coverage with 25watts out. The GE Pheonix now acts as an uplink to it using a dummy load until the repeater is moved to its final site. 2014-10 My D-Star DVAP hotspot with Wi-Fi worked great on my trip to Greenwood. From the Aurora Hotel and the Greenwood Flea Market the Wifi connection allowed me to have portable D-Star coverage with my IC-80 HT.
2014-09 My D-Star DVAP hotspot on 445.800 simplex has been rebuilt with a new Raspberry Pi B+ version. The unit is configured for portable use and has Wi-Fi. 2014-08 Some HAMs in the Truro area on on D-Star. There are Hotspots using DVRPTR and DVAP in use. Frequencies mentioned are 145.670 and 144.950 simplex. 2014-07 My D-Star Hotspot is capable of running as a full-duplex repeater. At this time it is running in half-duplex from my QTH in Cornwall. A remote D-Star repeater has been built and tested, but awaiting a decision on site location. The VE1UHF-B Repeater is now on 443.300mhz with +5 mhz offset and runs 15 watts to a dual-band vertical.
Here is the programming information:
2014-06 I have a D-Star DVAP hotspot for local use. The DVAP runs on 445.800 simplex. With only 10mw into a stubby antenna, its range is about 1km, for around-the-home use.
D-STAR FREQUENCIES The following frequencies are used in Canada and US for Digital Voice Simplex, (Hotspots). Band Frequency 2 m 145.670 MHz 2 m 145.750 MHz 2 m 145.790 MHz 2 m 147.555 MHz 70 cm 433.300 MHz 70 cm 434.400 MHz 70 cm 445.800 MHz 70 cm 446.500 MHz Please do NOT use AMSAT/SAREX/ARISS frequencies. (145.500-145.590, 145.800-146.000, 435.000-438.000mhz) The RAC bandplans have designated these segments for Digital use: 2 m 144.300 - 144.500 144.900 - 145.100 (Packet 144.970-145.090) 145.590 - 145.790 147.435 - 147.585 (Simplex) 70 cm 430.025 - 431.500 433.000 - 434.800 445.800 - 445.975 446.500 - 446.975
Callsign Location Frequency VE1DSR-C Church Lake, NS 145.290 - VE1JSR-B Antigonish, NS 441.800 + VY2DSR-C Kensington, PEI 147.315 + VY2DSR-B Hazel Grove, PEI 441.850 + VE1CRA Churchill, PEI 146.715 - (QRT) VE1UHF-B Cornwall, PEI 443.300 + (Running Multi-Mode MMDVM)
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