Locations: Churchill, PEI (Main TX/RX site and UHF HUB) Cornwall, PEI (UHF Link & Control site VE1AIC) Equipment: From about 1995 to 2005 VE1CRA used Micor repeaters. From 2005 to 2020 VE1CRA used MSR2000 repeaters. Previous to upgrades of Sep. 2020, we had this gear: (right-click on the image for full-size viewing) TX set: VHF Micor, 80w on 146.670 mhz into 210C4 antenna at 250ft, UHF Uplink RX on 444.400 mhz.Previous to 2020-09: RX set: MSR2000 on 146.070 mhz with 210C4 antenna at 300ft, UHF Downlink TX on 449.400 mhz at 30w into 310C2.
VHF Repeater Antennas:
Main UHF Repeater: MSR2000 Repeater. TX 30W 444.400/449.400 into 310C4 antenna at 55ft.
Link XCVR: GE Pheonix UHF radio, 15w on 448.925/443.925 into a 6 ele. Yagi to VE1BHS HUB.(Also upgraded 2020-09) UHF Controller: Arcom RC-210 Controller - UHF Linking - IRLP Node 2030 - Battery & Gen. Emergency power UHF HUB Repeater: WR 90, 10w on 449.100 into 310C4 at 80ft. (This repeater has moved to the Glen Valley site.)