VE1UHF Repeater 146.715- VY2CRA

2021-08-04 Well the 146.715 VE1UHF repeater has changed yet again.
We could no longer wait for the Glen Valley site to be repaired, so that channel 
is now being used by the new Belfast Repeater. Located at the Belfast FD Hall, it 
does not have a big tower or high location. However, we can take advantage of 
their remote site which has a tall tower at decent elevation. So far the remote 
site is for RX only but we are working on a better TX antenna or link.
We also are using the callsign VY2CRA for this new repeater.
At some point the Belfast repeater will get it's own web page.

Below is the TAIT 50w repeater with both VHF and UHF receivers.
VY2CRA Repeater 

Here is a picture of the Remote RX gear. RX 146.115 Mhz (100Hz CTSS) and TX link 434.825 Mhz(123.0 Hz CTSS). Note the UHF link frequency is temporary as we expect this to become a full duplex link when the TX section is added. (449.725- Mhz) VY2CRA RX Link

2021-04-30 As posted on my YSF/Fusion Page, the VE1CRA FUSION Repeater has changed frequency to 147.255+ Mhz.
This gives greater frequency separation and allows the use of higher antennas for the Fusion repeater,
which are closer to the Analog repeater on 146.670mhz.

That leaves the 146.715- channel available again for VE1UHF.
For some time I have been trying to get VE1UHF back to Glen Valley.
When space becomes available, VE1UHF 146.715- may return there as an analog repeater again.
It will also have a UHF Link to the new VY2CBC Hub system on 447.750 Mhz.

Until that time, 146.715- will be used by the TKR-750 as VE1UHF/VE1CRA, a local MMDVM repeater for Experimental use, typically DMR.

2020-01-05 the 146.715 Mhz D-Star repeater at Churchill, PEI was replaced with a Yeasu DR-1X that has a
remote Gateway on Wires-X as VE1CRA-RPT (node #33962).

You can find current info about this on my Fusion page.

The callsign VE1UHF is now being used for the Experimental MMDVM repeater in Cornwall, PEI on 147.255+.

----------------------------------------- (This info below is for historical reference only 2017)
This MSR-2000 repeater was converted to D-Star Digital and moved to Churchill,PEI along side the Analog Repeater VE1CRA (146.670 Mhz)in 2017. The Glen Valley site has an internal WS1 Weather Station and a Remote VHF receiver with a UHF Transmitter link on 449.100 Mhz. (Currently still active) VE1UHF internal WX Station

The VHF Repeater Rack which contains:

Repeater Rack MSR-2000 100W PA MSR-2000 VHF REPEATER

(This info for historical reference only 2005)

Here is the UHF Rptr/Link Rack which contains:

Repeater Rack

 MSR-2000 30W PA

VHF Antenna is a 210C4 at 200ft with multicouplers. Vhf Antenna

UHF Link to VY2UHF repeater on 443.850+ Mhz using a corner reflector antenna at 55ft.
(this link no longer in service) UHF Antenna

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