Use a C4FM Radio on DMR with OpenSpot
A quick slideshow for settings to get your Openspot to convert C4FM radio signals to DMR.2017-11-01 A change to the Connector method to make things easier and more flexable. The MMDVM Protocol is a better way, so I will describe that method along with new screen shots. The advantage is better use of Talkgroups and very easy to switch from DMR+ to BM networks by just selecting the DMR/Homebrew/MMDVM server in the drop-down. 2017-10-31 This collection of screen shots will show most of the important settings that one would need so that you use a C4FM (Fusion) radio to talk with DMR stations over the Internet. Note that this example is for locals that wish to talk on the New Brunswick Talkgoup 3029 on the DMR-MARC Network. To do this you will connect to a DMR_Plus server (CANADA DMRQ), and link to the Reflector 4599. This Reflector is connected to the DMR-MARC Talkgroup 3029 on most of the Canadian DMR-MARC repeaters. To see what other Reflectors/TGs that are mapped between the Networks look here: Shared Talkgroups between DMR-MARC and DMR Plus. Beyond this example you can change servers and connect to the Brandmeister Network as well. It has many more Reflectors and Talkgroups for Local, Regional, National and International coverage. --------------- The images below come from the web browser connection to my OpenSpot. The Settings described are only those unique to the setup of C4FM-DMR. There are many other parameters you should be aware of and adjust accordingly. For Help you can look at the Shark RF website. The First image is the SETTINGS tab, where you need to enter your DMR-ID. To use DMR you need this 7-digit ID. Canadian numbers start with 302nnnn. If you do not have a DMR-ID, you can register and get one from this web page, DMR USER Registration - Callsign Validation Next Enter your CALLSIGN. Be sure to click SAVE button to send the changes to the OpenSpot. While on this screen, its a good idea to get the latest DMR-ID (contact) database. I suggest updating this about once a month. This is used to display callsign and user info from DMR stations. (Click on the image for full size.) ------------------------------------------ The Second image has the MODEM setup. Here you will enter C4FM for the Radio side, and enter a Simplex frequency. Please respect our Bandplan and use proper FREQUENCIES. ---------------------
--------------------- (Edit) The Third image has the settings for the internet CONNECTOR. Normally the internet link would use the same mode as the radio, but in this case we want Openspot to transcode the C4FM to DMR. The Connectors Method should be "Homebrew/MMDVM" from the list. Scroll down to DMR/Homebrew/MMDVM section like the image below. Enter your Hotspot simplex frequency again. Click on the button next to MMDVM Protocol. Then select the CANADA-DMRQ server under DMRPlus. This is a long list and it includes all the Brandmeister servers as well. Again enter your Callsign and DMR-ID. The Reflector used is 4599 for New Brunswick that links to DMR-MARC TG-3029, so enter 4599 in the "Auto connect to" box. (For Reflectors it's a Private Call) All other info should be automatically filled. Click on SAVE to submit changes. (Note: If you later want to use your C4FM radio on the Brandmeister DMR Network, just change the "Server:" to Brandmeister : Canada/3021. ) ---------------------
--------------------- Note that when you click on SAVE a warning message will appear. As mentioned we are using a different mode on the MODEM side so the system asks to confirm the setting. We want to say IGNORE so that these separate modes are saved. ---------------------
--------------------- When you click on STATUS the info should be similar to the image below. The top part of the screen shows the traffic log which will include Callsigns and Names if the DMR-ID database is up to date. ---------------------
--------------------- The next image is the dashboard page from the Canadian DMR Plus server showing my Openspot connected. Note the OpenSpot now makes a MMDVM connection along with the repeaters and Hotspots. You can check the current status here: Canada DMR+ Dashboard ---------------------
---------------------- (LINKS to other DMR info are listed below.) Digital Voice FREQUENCIES The following frequencies are being used in Canada and US for DV Simplex (Hotspots). (For Other countries, please check the Bandplan for your area) Band Frequency 2 m 145.670 MHz 2 m 145.750 MHz 2 m 145.790 MHz 70 cm 433.300 MHz 70 cm 434.400 MHz 70 cm 445.800 MHz 70 cm 446.500 MHz RAC bandplan has designated these frequencies for Digital use: 2 m 144.300 - 144.500 144.900 - 145.100 (Packet 144.970-145.090) 145.590 - 145.790 147.435 - 147.585 (Simplex) 70 cm 433.000 - 434.800 445.800 - 445.975 446.500 - 446.975
Callsign Location Frequency VE1UHF Cornwall, PEI 443.300 + VE1JSR Antigonish, NS 441.800 + VA1DIG Truro, NS 442.650 + DMR-MARC Repeaters Callsign City,Prov Freq. VE9FTN Fredericton, NB 147.165+ VE9DMR Moncton, NB 146.925- VE9SJN Saint John, NB 145.490- VE1XPR Springhill, NS 145.290-MARCAN Fusion Repeaters
Callsign City, Prov Freq. VE1BFB Southhampton, NS 146.775 - VE1XK Truro, NS 146.790 - VE9SUX Sussex, NB 146.985 - VE1JSR Antigonish, NS 441.800 + VE1YAR Yarmouth, NS 444.700 + VE1UHF Cornwall, PEI 443.300 + (VE1UHF runs DMR, D-Star and C4FM Fusion)
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